North Mitcham: E N Montague’s slides
- Gorringe Park Avenue (ENM) 1972
- Rear of Georgian Houses at Renshaws Corner (ENM) 1972
- Junction of Streatham Road and Lock's Lane (ENM) 1966
- Tynemouth Road (ENM) 1975
- Cottages in London Road (ENM) 1974
- Flower beds at edge of Recreation Ground (ENM) 1967
- Gorringe Park Hotel (ENM) 1975
- Figges Marsh (ENM) 1973
The photographs on this page are from Eric Montague’s slides of the North Mitcham area. For more about the area consult his volume of Mitcham Histories 2: North Mitcham.
Contact to discuss reproduction of any of these photographs, quoting the full mhs-… reference, displayed at the bottom of the screen when the mouse is hovered over a photo in the Gallery or the Lightbox.