Parish Records

Parish Registers
The registers for Morden to 1812 were transcribed, indexed and published in the early 20th century. The Registers of Morden can be downloaded from Internet Archive at while microfiche copies, with additional baptism and burial records to 1840, are available from West Surrey Family History Society.

East Surrey Family History Society has produced microfiche transcripts/indexes of Mitcham baptisms 1779-1812 and burials 1779-1884.

The registers for Merton have been transcribed by the late Stephen Turner, and are awaiting publication on microfiche by East Surrey Family History Society. A draft has been lodged with Merton Historical Society for reference.

Wimbledon parish registers to 1812 were published by Surrey Record Society.

Cliff Webb of West Surrey family History Society has generously supplied us with spreadsheets of transcripts covering:

  • St Mary’s Merton burials 1559-1659, baptisms and marriages 1679-80, 1685-6, 1692-3 (from Bishops’ Transcripts, the Register being lost for this period);
  • Christ Church Colliers Wood baptisms 1875-7;
  • Zion Chapel Mitcham baptisms 1842-56 and burials 1864-76;
  • St Lawrence Morden baptisms 1815-76, burials 1841-66.

Poor Law records

  • We have published Eric Montague’s study in the administration of the Poor Law in Mitcham prior to 1834 as Studies in Merton History 3: ‘The Now and Hereafter Poor’. 
  • Mitcham Settlement Examinations were published by Surrey Record Society in 1973 (XXVII).
  • We have also published Gladys Stockwell’s study of Poor Relief in Morden 1750-1834.
  • Merton Historical Society has microfiche copies of the original documents relating to all Morden’s Poor Law records, awaiting transcription. Bill Rudd has transcribed a book of Settlement Examinations for Morden, but there are many more individual certificates and other documents on fiche.
  • A Settlement Examination book for Merton is in Merton Local Studies Centre and has been transcribed and indexed by Rosemary Dawe of East Surrey Family History Society, and a copy has been deposited with Merton Historical Society. Merton’s Overseers’ Accounts books from 1814 are also at Merton Local Studies Centre awaiting study. Evelyn Jowett produced transcripts and abstracts of Merton Poor Rate records for selected years between 1832 and 1900, and these are among her papers at Merton Local Studies Centre.
  • An index to Wimbledon‘s Poor Law records for 1698-1842, plus Apprenticeship Indentures for 1765-1834, have been published on microfiche by East Surrey Family History Society

Other records
The Vestry Minutes for Wimbledon for 1736 and 1743-88 were published by Surrey Record Society in 1964 (XXV). Judith Goodman has transcribed several extracts from the Merton Vestry Minutes. The Morden Vestry Minutes are on microfiche awaiting study.

Monumental Inscriptions for St Peter & St Paul, Mitcham and St Mary the Virgin, Merton Park are available on microfiche from East Surrey Family History Society. Ray Ninnis has produced a study of the Ledgerstones in St Peter & St Paul, Mitcham as Studies in Merton History 4: ‘Not Trampled but Walked Over’

You can also find links online at

and at Surrey Graveyards: London Borough of Merton.

Churchyard Trails can be accessed from the various church websites:
St Mary, Merton.
St Lawrence, Morden.

The Tithe Apportionment schedules and maps for Merton, Mitcham and Morden have been published by Merton Historical Society, and for Wimbledon by the Wimbledon Society. The 1910 Land Valuation Records for Morden have also been published. Land Tax returns for Merton and Morden have been transcribed and indexed but await further work before publication.

Any offers of help would be welcomed.

Project Co-ordinator: Peter Hopkins

SURREY HISTORY CENTRE at Woking holds many original documents relating to our area and can advise researchers.
