Roman Morden

A Roman soldier
The Roman road between London and Chichester passed through Morden. In later times it was known as Stane Street.
The present A24 follows a similar route, though Stane Street ran in a straight line, unlike the wandering course of the A24.
The line of Stane Street can be traced from the Lord Nelson at the bottom of Stonecot Hill, on the boundary with Cheam, through Morden Park to the Civic Centre, on the boundary with Merton parish.
Fragments of Roman pottery dating to the late first century AD have been discovered scattered across a wide area east of St Helier Station in Green Lane. This suggests that there was a Roman settlement in the area.
Perhaps this was a work camp relating to the building of the road, but occupation certainly continued into the 2nd century.
It has been suggested that the mound in Morden Park may possibly have been of Roman date.