Author Archive: Peter Hopkins

Bill Rudd Collection: Morden shops

One of Bill’s major projects was to photograph the changes in Morden’s shopping centre, and some slideshows of these photographs have been put together to enable comparison over nearly four decades. These have been divided up into the following sections:

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Bill Rudd Collection: Morden shops: Abbotsbury Road (even numbers)

A sequence of three photographs from October 1978 show the full range of shops from no.30 to no.2 with Galmar Sports on the corner with its entrance as no.7 London Road. Unfortunately, over-exposure makes the names of nos.2-6 unreadable.

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Bill Rudd Collection: Morden shops: Aberconway Road

There are only three photographs showing 46-38 Aberconway Road, from October 1978, August 1983 and July 1998, plus one photograph of Iceland from September 1995.

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Bill Rudd Collection: Morden shops: Crown Lane

A sequence from the 1970s covers Nos.34-18:

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Bill Rudd Collection: Morden shops: London Road 102-106, 81-117 & Morden Court Parade

There is only one sequence for Nos 102-116, the parade backing onto the Crown House (now Civic Centre) complex, with three photographs from 1995:

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Bill Rudd Collection: Morden shops: London Road 11-63 (odd numbers)

A sequence from 1971 includes a shot taken from the roof of the Co-op:

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Bill Rudd Collection: Morden shops: London Road 2-86 (even numbers)

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Bill Rudd Collection: over the parish boundary

Although Bill’s main local interest was in his home parish of Morden, he was not averse from straying across parish boundaries when his attention was caught by an interesting building or group of buildings, or a railway line or station.

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Bill Rudd Collection: St Helier Estate

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Blagdon Farm 1500-1700

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Blagdon Farm since 1700

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Blue House or Little West Barns from 1737

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Bulletin 113

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Bulletin 114

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Bulletin 115

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Bulletin 116

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Bulletin 117

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Bulletin 118

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Bulletin 119

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Bulletin 120

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