The Parish of Merton in 1844: The Tithe Apportionment Map
Local History Notes 12: ed. Peter Hopkins
The tithe apportionment of 1844 provides a very detailed picture of a large part of Merton, although it does not cover the whole of the ancient ecclesiastical parish. The map identifies each field and building with a number, and the accompanying schedule gives the name or a description of each numbered property, its area (in acres, roods and perches), and the use to which it was put, together with the name of the owner and the occupier. Unfortunately for us, over 40% of the parish was not liable for tithes, and was therefore not surveyed.
This edition follows the original apportionment by listing landowners alphabetically, with the lands then arranged by occupants. A much-reduced copy of the map is reproduced on the centre pages, followed by an extract, on a larger scale, covering the main residential centre. This is followed by an index in numerical order, giving owners and occupiers. An extract from the Post Office Directory for 1845 provides further information on some of the individuals mentioned in the apportionment, although it also overlaps into Wimbledon parish. Finally some small-scale maps are included to show the various estates of the landowners and tenants, the recipients of the rent charge, and the state of cultivation of the land.
Extract from the Introduction
The Parish of Merton in 1844
The Tithe Apportionment Map
The tithe apportionment of 1844 provides a very detailed picture of a large part of Merton, although it does not cover the whole of the ancient ecclesiastical parish.
The map identifies each field and building with a number, and the accompanying schedule gives the name or a description of each numbered property, its area (in acres,
roods and perches), and the use to which it was put, together with the name of the owner and the occupier. Unfortunately for us, over 40% of the parish was not liable
for tithes, and was therefore not surveyed.
The principle of one tenth of the produce of the land being allocated for the support of the priesthood dates from Biblical times, and was adopted by the Christian
Church without question. Originally tithes were collected in kind, the tenth sheaf of corn, the tenth cow, sheep, pig or hen, even the tenth egg or pail of milk, was
handed over to the rector of the parish at the appropriate time.
In parishes belonging to a religious house such as Merton Priory, the income due to the rector was often appropriated, the priory taking over the responsibility for
the parish’s spiritual life, and claiming the tithes for themselves. In the 16th century the Priory leased the rectorial rights at Merton to lay persons, who paid a
fixed ‘farm’ each year and then kept whatever tithes they were able to collect. After the Dissolution of the Monasteries the Crown sold these rights to Thomas Lock.
In due course the rectorial rights came to the Bond family, who held them in 1844. They also had the right to present new clergy to the bishop for appointment to the
living, and two members of the family served as ‘perpetual curates’ at Merton in the 19th century.
These lay rectors, which they often leased to tenants, remained part of their personal estate, and when the lands were sold, the right to receive the tithes from these
lands was also often sold to the new landowners.
The demesne lands of the manor of Merton, those lands claimed for the priory’s own use rather than the use of the villagers, were also free from tithes, as were the
lands which comprised the precinct of the priory. In the 16th century the priory farmed out their West Barnes estate to tenants. The tithes from this estate were
included in the lease, and also in the later sale of the estate after the Dissolution.
Thus the owners of the former priory precinct, the later Merton Abbey estate, the owners of former demesne land, such as Bakers Farm and Cannon Hill, and the owners of
the four farms formed out of the original West Barnes estate were not liable to pay tithes. However, two of the West Barnes properties were sometimes leased to
tenants, and their owners were entitled to demand the tithes as well as the rents.
When the area around Lord Nelson’s former mansion of Merton Place was sold and developed for housing in the 1820s, the tithes on the individual plots were
extinguished, upon payment of a lump sum.
Thus the following land owners and tenants are listed in the tithe apportionment as exempt from all tithes:-
Duke of Cambridge [owner of 3 fields north of West Barnes, part of Hoppingwood Farm]
John Hilbert Tate [lord of the manor of Merton, and owner of Bakers Farm]
John Overton [tenant of Bakers Farm]
Rev W Mansfield } [joint-owners of the Merton Abbey estate]
C R M Smith }
Richard Thornton [owner of the Cannon Hill estate]
Charles Winterflood [owner of part of the land in Nelson’s Fields]
George Bonsfield [probably another land owner in Nelson’s Fields]
Trustees of the late
John Middleton [who held the West Barnes Park estate, selling to Edward Rayne]
Edward Rayne [John Middleton’s nephew and tenant, and one of his heirs]
Philip Matthews [owner of Blagdon Farm, formerly part of West Barnes]
The Perpetual Curate
of Merton [for the Church and churchyard.]
These exempt lands totalled 689 acres 1 rood 33 perches. They were not surveyed for the map and are not listed on the Tithe Apportionment.
In addition the following were listed as tithe-owners:-
C R M Smith [whose family had bought Church House from the Bond family]
James Page [who bought Merton Holts (Merton Hall Farm) from the Bonds]
William Holmes [owner of West Barnes Farm]
C J Lawson [the recently deceased owner of Blagdon Farm]
Barwell Brown [as Trustee under the will of the late Essex Henry Bond, the lay Rector.]
These lands are included in the tithe apportionment and on the map.
The inclusion of two owners of Blagdon Farm in the lists suggests some confusion. It seems likely that the owner in the list of exempt lands should have been Charles
Blake, owner of the fourth West Barnes property, Bluehouse Farm. There certainly are errors on the tithe apportionment. Plot 74 is shown as belonging to Thomas
Bowen, the master of the Bermondsey Poor Law Institution at Church House, whereas, according to the manorial rolls, it actually belonged to his sister-in-law, Ann
Jay, the matron. Again plots 182 and 108 are shown as belonging to John Dutton, whereas the manorial rolls tell us that in 1844 William Sanders Paterson divided the
properties, selling 182 to Benjamin Burt and 108 to Thomas Robert Dutton.
The Merton award, by Thomas James Tatham, dated 9th December 1843, gives a summary of the use made of the land subject to payment of tithe:-
Arable 710 acres 2 roods 36 perches
Pasture 276 0 20
Buildings/gardens 69 3 36
Roads 35 0 00
1091 3 12
(1 acre = 0.405 hectares; 4 roods = 1 acre; 40 perches = 1 rood)
Tithe disputes had occurred from the earliest days, but it was not until the beginning of the 19th century that the question of commutation of tithes for a fixed sum
of money received serious consideration. This was a period of reform, both in politics and within the Church of England. No doubt the agrarian improvement during the
18th and early 19th centuries added impetus to the call for change, especially following the success of the enclosure movement. In a period of agricultural
depression, tithes were seen as a heavy burden, landowners claiming they could not afford to pay higher wages because of heavy tithe demands. They were also resented
by Non-conformists and Roman Catholics.
At first, commutation in a particular parish was only to take place if agreed by the landowners, the tithe owners and the diocesan bishop. The Times observed in 1834,
“All men of all parties express the most anxious desire to see the tithe question set at rest.” Various attempts to solve the problem were made in Parliament, and at
last the Tithe Commutation Act received the Royal Assent on 13th August 1836. Three tithe commissioners were appointed, two by the government and one by the
Archbishop of Canterbury. The commissioners appointed assistant commissioners to undertake the work locally. Most assistants had been land agents or valuers, many
had been active as enclosure commissioners. They had the power to confirm voluntary agreements and to frame compulsory agreements. Their decisions were subject to
the usual appeals at law, though this was seldom invoked, as disputes were usually settled locally. The tithe values were converted into rent charge payments by
assuming that each sum had been used to purchase equal quantities of wheat, barley and oats at prices published annually in the London Gazette.
Various amendments to the apportionment were made over the years, as land was used for railways and later for housing. Copies of these are filed with the photostats
of the tithe apportionment kept in Merton Local Studies Centre. Thus in 1868, C R M Smith’s estate of 65 acres 3 roods 27 perches (plots 221-228), in the tenure of
George Bunce, was intersected by the lines of the Tooting, Merton & Wimbledon Railway Co., almost 2 acres being bought by the company, and the rent charge was
recalculated accordingly in 1870.
The 1836 Tithe Commutation Act remained the essential statement on rent-charge conversion until 1936, when rent charges were replaced by annuities to be paid by
landowners over a period of 60 years, which would finally redeem all tithes by 1996. Thus tithes are now a thing of the past, but the maps and schedules which
accompanied the commutation of tithes remain an important source for the study of local history.
The following pages follow the original apportionment by listing landowners alphabetically, with the lands then arranged by occupants. A much reduced copy of the map
is reproduced on the centre pages, followed by an extract, on a larger scale, covering the main residential centre. This is followed by an index in numerical order,
giving owners and occupiers. An extract from the Post Office Directory for 1845 provides further information on some of the individuals mentioned in the
apportionment, although it also overlaps into Wimbledon parish. Finally some small scale maps are included to show the various estates of the landowners and tenants,
the recipients of the rent charge, and the state of cultivation of the land.
Peter Hopkins – June 1998
Plan Occupier Landowner Name & Description of Lands & Premises State of Quantities Rent-charge
Payable to
No. Cultivation A R P £ s. d.
1 Asplin, William Garth, Rev. Richard Part of Long Merton Close arable 2 1 8 Bond Trustees
2 Asplin, William Garth, Rev. Richard Part of Long Merton Close arable 8 1 22 Bond Trustees
3 Asplin, William Garth, Rev. Richard Part of Further Merton Close arable 1 0 32 Bond Trustees
4 Asplin, William Garth, Rev. Richard Part of Further Merton Close arable 8 2 27 Bond Trustees
5 Asplin, William Garth, Rev. Richard Part of Hither Merton Close arable 7 0 9 Bond Trustees
6 Asplin, William Garth, Rev. Richard Part of Hither Merton Close arable 3 0 11 Bond Trustees
9 Rayne, Edward Matthews, Philip, late Charles John Lawson Nine Acres arable 9 3 0 C J Lawson
10 Rayne, Edward Matthews, Philip, late Charles John Lawson Ten Acres pasture 10 1 8 C J Lawson
11 Rayne, Edward Matthews, Philip, late Charles John Lawson Cottage & Gardens 0 0 16 C J
12 Rayne, Edward Matthews, Philip, late Charles John Lawson Two Acres pasture 4 1 5 C J Lawson
13 Rayne, Edward Matthews, Philip, late Charles John Lawson Eight Acres arable 7 3 27 C J Lawson
14 Rayne, Edward Matthews, Philip, late Charles John Lawson Thirteen Acres arable 14 0 27 C J Lawson
15 Rayne, Edward Matthews, Philip, late Charles John Lawson Fourteen Acres arable 14 1 4 C J Lawson
16 Rayne, Edward Matthews, Philip, late Charles John Lawson Lower Eight Acres arable 8 3 11 C J
17 Rayne, Edward Matthews, Philip, late Charles John Lawson Middle Eight Acres arable 8 2 5 C J
18 Rayne, Edward Matthews, Philip, late Charles John Lawson Sculy Meadow & Six Acres arable 15 3 10
C J Lawson
19 Rayne, Edward Matthews, Philip, late Charles John Lawson Six Acre Meadow meadow 7 0 14 C J Lawson
20 Rayne, Edward Matthews, Philip, late Charles John Lawson Carters Field meadow 5 0 30 C J Lawson
21 Rayne, Edward Matthews, Philip, late Charles John Lawson lane 1 0 0 C J Lawson
22 Rayne, Edward Matthews, Philip, late Charles John Lawson Farmhouse, yard, etc 1 1 18 C J
23 Rayne, Edward Matthews, Philip, late Charles John Lawson Long Two Acres meadow 3 3 0 C J Lawson
24 Rayne, Edward Matthews, Philip, late Charles John Lawson Three Acres & Home Close meadow 7 3 11 £50 0 0
C J Lawson
25 Hills, Henry Holmes, William Moat Meadow meadow 15 1 21 W Holmes
26 Hills, Henry Holmes, William Home Meadow meadow 13 1 16 W Holmes
27 Hills, Henry Holmes, William Farmhouse, etc 2 3 4 W Holmes
28 Hills, Henry Holmes, William Cottage & Garden 0 0 21 W Holmes
29 Hills, Henry Holmes, William Thorofare Meadow pasture 3 1 33 W Holmes
30 Hills, Henry Holmes, William The Slipe meadow 7 1 10 W Holmes
31 Hills, Henry Holmes, William Lane Field arable 20 3 32 W Holmes
32 Hills, Henry Holmes, William Nine Acres arable 9 2 8 W Holmes
33 Hills, Henry Holmes, William Hilly Field arable 10 0 28 W Holmes
34 Hills, Henry Holmes, William Black Meadow meadow 6 1 21 W Holmes
35 Hills, Henry Holmes, William Black Grounds meadow 9 1 30 W Holmes
36 Hills, Henry Holmes, William Eight Acres arable 9 2 7 W Holmes
37 Hills, Henry Holmes, William Fourteen Acres arable 10 1 36 W Holmes
38 Hills, Henry Holmes, William Part of Eleven Acres meadow 7 3 18 W Holmes
39 Hills, Henry Holmes, William Long Field arable 5 2 30 W Holmes
40 South Western Railway Company South Western Railway Company Waste Ground 1 2 0 Bond Trustees
41 South Western Railway Company South Western Railway Company Part of line of railway 9 1 25
Bond Trustees
42 Hills, Henry Holmes, William Little Pickle meadow 2 3 21 W Holmes
43 Hills, Henry Holmes, William Great Pickle meadow 8 2 5 W Holmes
44 Hills, Henry Holmes, William Further Pickle meadow 8 2 9 W Holmes
45 Hills, Henry Holmes, William Part of Further Pickle meadow 2 0 0 W Holmes
46 Overton, John Merton Poor Poors Wood pasture 5 3 13 17 0 Bond Trustees
47 Page, James Page, James Further Six Acres & Four Acres arable 10 1 7 James Page
48 Page, James Tate, John Hilbert Nine Acre Meadow meadow 8 2 30 Bond Trustees
49 Page, James Tate, John Hilbert Five Acre Meadow meadow 5 2 13 Bond Trustees
50 Page, James Page, James Six Acres & Four Acres arable 10 2 27 James Page
51 Page, James Page, James Eight Acre Meadow & Two Gates meadow 14 1 18 James Page
52 Page, James Page, James Six Acre Meadow meadow 6 0 26 James Page
53 Page, James Page, James New Inclosure pasture 0 3 32 James Page
54 Page, James Page, James Garden Close meadow 3 0 20 James Page
55 Page, James Page, James Home Close meadow 2 3 18 James Page
56 Page, James Page, James Farm House, Yard, Garden & Buildings 1 1 25 James Page
57 Page, James Page, James Home Close meadow 1 1 8 James Page
58 Hayes, Joseph Edney, John Leather Bottle Public House & Yard 0 0 16 Bond Trustees
59 Jenkinson, Diannah & another Dallett, Matthew Cottages & yard 0 0 19 Bond Trustees
60 Colebrook, James Colebrook, James Mansion, Offices & Garden & Paddock 2 1 8 Bond
61 Colebrook, James Colebrook, James Cow Meadow meadow 2 3 12 Bond Trustees
62 Jobson, Mary Anne Jobson, Mary Anne House & garden 0 0 35 2 0 Bond Trustees
63 Mandeville, James Samuel Robinson, Julia House, garden & Cottage 0 2 27 5 0 Bond Trustees
64 several Simmonds, Elizabeth’s Charity Tenement & garden 0 0 29 Bond Trustees
65 Rayne, Mary Anne & another Rolt, James Tenement & garden 0 0 28 Bond Trustees
66 Galliers, Richard Rolt, James Homestead meadow 1 3 31 Bond Trustees
67 Bowen, Thomas Smith, Charles Robert Mackerell Walk Field meadow 3 2 11 £2 10 0 C R M Smith
68 Bond, Rev. Essex Henry (Glebe) Bond, Rev. Essex Henry (Glebe) Church & Yard 0 2 30 exempt
69 Bond, Rev. Essex Henry (Glebe) Bond, Rev. Essex Henry (Glebe) House & garden 0 2 16 exempt
70 Bowen, Thomas Bond, Rev. Essex Henry (Glebe) Church Meadow meadow 2 3 21 exempt
71 Groves, George Sutton, James Cottage & Garden 0 0 31 Bond Trustees
72 several Smith, Charles Robert Mackerell Poor’s House & gardens 0 0 13 Bond Trustees
73 Robinson, George Merton Poor Garden garden 0 2 16 5 6 Bond Trustees
74 Cabrowl, Henry & others Bowen, Thomas 5 Cottages & gardens 0 1 9 Bond Trustees
75 Robinson, George Edney, John Cottage & garden 0 0 16 Bond Trustees
76 Page, James Tate, John Hilbert Meadow meadow 0 2 8 Bond Trustees
77 Robinson, George Tate, John Hilbert Arable arable/garden 0 0 24 1 6 Bond Trustees
78 Prestridge, Charles Charles, John House & garden 0 2 0 4 0 Bond Trustees
79 Adams, John Wyatt, Henry John House, buildings & garden 1 0 5 Bond Trustees
80 Page, James Tate, John Hilbert Thirteen Acres arable 16 1 27 Bond Trustees
81 Wilkes, Ann & others Sutton, James Four houses & gardens 0 1 20 Bond Trustees
82 Buddin, Charles Charles, John Tenements & yards 0 0 26 Bond Trustees
83 Froud, Benjamin & others Dallett, Matthew Tenements & gardens 0 3 7 Bond Trustees
84 several Rutlishes Charity Tenements & gardens 0 2 5 Bond Trustees
85 Page, James Rutlishes Charity Charity Pightle arable 0 3 12 Bond Trustees
86 Page, James Tate, John Hilbert Lane Pightle arable 3 0 7 Bond Trustees
87 Hook, James Tate, John Hilbert Cottage & garden 0 0 27 Bond Trustees
88 Hedger, William Tate, John Hilbert Cottage & garden 0 0 31 Bond Trustees
89 Cleaver, William & others Tate, John Hilbert Six cottages & garden 0 1 14 Bond Trustees
90 Page, James Tate, John Hilbert Pound Meadow meadow 3 1 9 Bond Trustees
91 Attridge, George Tate, John Hilbert Garden garden 0 1 10 Bond Trustees
92 Attridge, George Tate, John Hilbert Pound House & Yard 0 0 37 Bond Trustees
93 Neville, James & others Tate, John Hilbert Cottage & garden 0 0 29 Bond Trustees
94 Andrews, George & others Thoms, Elizabeth Cottage & garden 0 1 23 2 6 Bond Trustees
95 Bentley, George Sutton, James Cottage & garden 0 0 6 Bond Trustees
96 Overton, John Sutton, James Sculy Meadow meadow 3 0 0 Bond Trustees
97 Bentley, George Sutton, James Allotment garden 0 1 30 4 0 Bond Trustees
98 Overton, John Tate, John Hilbert Part of Seven Acres meadow 2 1 22 Bond Trustees
99 Overton, John Tate, John Hilbert Part of Seven Acres arable 5 3 35 Bond Trustees
100 Overton, John Tate, John Hilbert Allotment arable 4 2 14 Bond Trustees
101 Page, James Page, James Wood & Canon Hill Fields arable 23 3 8 James Page
102 Page, James Page, James Nine Acres & Ten Acres arable 21 1 12 James Page
103 Page, James Page, James Ten Acres arable 10 0 39 James Page
104 Page, James Page, James Footway Field across Common arable 12 2 20 James Page
105 Robinson, George Wyatt, Henry John Allotment arable 1 3 24 8 0 Bond Trustees
106 Galliers, Richard Rolt, James Allotment meadow 1 3 24 £1 2 0 Bond Trustees
107 Hedger, William Charles, John Allotment arable 2 3 21 14 6 Bond Trustees
108 Overton, John Dutton, John Allotment arable 2 2 5 14 0 Bond Trustees
109 Overton, John Dallett, Matthew Allotment arable 2 2 5 14 0 Bond Trustees
110 Overton, John Sutton, James Allotment arable 4 1 13 £2 3 0 Bond Trustees
111 Page, James Page, James Allotment arable 5 0 17 £50 0 0 James Page
112 Poddington, David Richardson, William Allotment meadow 4 3 7 16 6 Bond Trustees
113 Colebrook, James Colebrook, James Allotment meadow 3 0 32 £3 19 3 Bond Trustees
114 Overton, John Tate, John Hilbert Allotment arable 16 2 16 Bond Trustees
115 Overton, John Tate, John Hilbert Allotment garden 0 1 8 £9 15 6 Bond Trustees
116 Page, James Tate, John Hilbert Allotment arable 7 0 26 Bond Trustees
117 Page, James Tate, John Hilbert Allotment arable 14 1 11 Bond Trustees
118 Page, James Rutlishes Charity Allotment arable 4 2 30 £1 18 6 Bond Trustees
119 Bonser, Thomas Skilton, William Allotment arable 1 1 8 9 6 Bond Trustees
120 Bonser, Thomas Neale, Mrs Jane Allotment arable 1 1 8 Bond Trustees
121 Bonser, Thomas Cooke, N. Allotment arable 1 2 20 7 0 Bond Trustees
122 Guidon, John Guidon, John Allotment Cottages & Garden Inclosure 1 0 12 9 6 Bond Trustees
123 Bowry, Edward Garth, Rev. Richard Merton Water Leet arable 6 1 30 Bond Trustees
124 Bowry, Edward Garth, Rev. Richard Home Ten Acres arable 9 3 24 Bond Trustees
125 Bowry, Edward Garth, Rev. Richard Long Meadow meadow 7 0 7 Bond Trustees
126 Bowry, Edward Garth, Rev. Richard Roundabout Piece arable 9 1 14 Bond Trustees
127 Bowry, Edward Garth, Rev. Richard Shoulder of Mutton Piece arable 10 2 12 Bond Trustees
128 Page, James Tate, John Hilbert East & West Four Acres arable 8 3 2 Bond Trustees
129 Page, James Tate, John Hilbert Long Three Acres & Four Acres arable 11 1 22 Bond Trustees
130 Page, James Tate, John Hilbert Six Acres arable 7 0 29 Bond Trustees
131 Page, James Tate, John Hilbert Square Three Acres arable 3 2 17 Bond Trustees
132 Page, James Tate, John Hilbert Seven Acres arable 7 0 15 Bond Trustees
133 Page, James Tate, John Hilbert Corner Four Acres arable 4 2 18 Bond Trustees
134 Page, James Tate, John Hilbert Toppins Four Acres arable 4 2 22 Bond Trustees
135 Page, James Tate, John Hilbert Barn Meadow meadow 4 1 28 Bond Trustees
136 Page, James Tate, John Hilbert Barn Pightle meadow 0 3 30 Bond Trustees
137 Page, James Tate, John Hilbert Manor House, Yard, Garden & buildings 0 3 17 Bond Trustees
138 Page, James Tate, John Hilbert Thorofare Piece pasture 0 3 18 Bond Trustees
139 Page, James Tate, John Hilbert Orchard Piece arable 1 0 2 Bond Trustees
140 Page, James Tate, John Hilbert Five Acres arable 5 3 11 Bond Trustees
141 Adams, John Wyatt, Henry John Meadow meadow 1 0 30 Bond Trustees
142 Adams, John Wyatt, Henry John Yards & buildings yard 0 1 0 £2 3 0 Bond Trustees
143 Page, James Tate, John Hilbert Seven Acres meadow 6 3 11 £54 16 11 Bond Trustees
144 Page, James Tate, John Hilbert Nine Acres arable 9 1 28 £54 16 11 Bond Trustees
145 Bowry, Edward Garth, Rev. Richard Six Acres By Church arable 6 2 25 Bond Trustees
146 Bowry, Edward Garth, Rev. Richard Willow Close arable 6 2 35 Bond Trustees
147 Bowry, Edward Garth, Rev. Richard West Five Acres arable 5 1 15 Bond Trustees
148 Bowry, Edward Garth, Rev. Richard East Five Acres arable 5 2 7 Bond Trustees
149 Bowry, Edward Garth, Rev. Richard West Cherry Pightle arable 9 0 2 Bond Trustees
150 Bowry, Edward Garth, Rev. Richard Five Acres by Church arable 5 2 9 Bond Trustees
151 Bowry, Edward Garth, Rev. Richard Ten Acres arable 10 0 11 Bond Trustees
152 Bowry, Edward Garth, Rev. Richard East Cherry Pightle arable 7 0 30 Bond Trustees
153 Bowry, Edward Garth, Rev. Richard West Barn Close arable 8 0 0 Bond Trustees
154 Parsons, John Garth, Rev. Richard Part of Morden Close meadow 2 3 13 18 0 Bond Trustees
155 Bowry, Edward Garth, Rev. Richard Orchard garden 0 2 33 Bond Trustees
156 Bowry, Edward Garth, Rev. Richard Farm House, Yard & buildings 0 3 20 Bond Trustees
157 Bowry, Edward Garth, Rev. Richard Lane lane 0 0 24 Bond Trustees
158 Bowry, Edward Garth, Rev. Richard Barn Field & Six Acres arable 11 2 37 Bond Trustees
159 Bowry, Edward Garth, Rev. Richard Six Acres arable 5 2 37 Bond Trustees
160 Bowry, Edward Garth, Rev. Richard Five Acres arable 5 0 16 Bond Trustees
161 Bowry, Edward Garth, Rev. Richard Whitepost Field arable 8 1 29 Bond Trustees
162 Budge, Thomas Skilton, William House & garden house 0 1 4 2 6 Bond Trustees
163 unoccupied Skilton, William House & garden 0 0 20 Bond Trustees
164 Morgan, James Winterflood, John Garden garden 0 1 11 3 0 Bond Trustees
165 Budge, Thomas Winterflood, John Plat meadow 0 0 19 1 0 Bond Trustees
166 Cribb, William & others Winterflood, John 5 Cottages & garden 0 0 29 Bond Trustees
167 Wright, George Dendy, Samuel Part of the Four Acres arable 2 2 6 £1 6 6 Bond Trustees
168 Moore, James Potter Moore, James Potter Long Seven & Five Acres arable 13 0 0 £6 16 6 Bond Trustees
169 Heygate, Sarah Moore, James Potter Bond Trustees
170 & Hailes, William Moore, James Potter 2 Cottages & garden 0 0 35 Bond Trustees
171 Bonser, Thomas Neale, Mrs Jane Second Six Acres arable 6 1 7 Bond Trustees
172 Bonser, Thomas Neale, Mrs Jane Twelve Acres arable 12 1 32 Bond Trustees
173 Bowry, Edward Garth, Rev. Richard Eleven Acres by Church arable 12 0 23 £71 6 0 Bond Trustees
174 Bonser, Thomas Neale, Mrs Jane Shooting Field arable 8 3 16 Bond Trustees
175 Bonser, Thomas Neale, Mrs Jane Three Acres meadow 3 3 14 Bond Trustees
176 Orme, George Neale, Mrs Jane Meadow meadow 4 3 28 £1 15 0 Bond Trustees
177 Orme, George Richardson, William Meadow meadow 2 2 0 Bond Trustees
178 unoccupied Richardson, William House & garden 0 0 25 Bond Trustees
179 Orme, George Richardson, William House, yards, garden & buildings 0 2 24 Bond Trustees
180 Orme, George Richardson, William Yards, buildings, garden &c. 1 1 34 £1 10 0 Bond Trustees
181 Attridge, James & others Richardson, William Cottages & yards 0 0 16 Bond Trustees
182 Mears, William & others Dutton, John Tenements & gardens 0 1 11 Bond Trustees
183 Joynson, Samuel Rutlishes Charity White Hart Inn & premises 0 2 8 4 0 Bond Trustees
184 Mears, George Rutlishes Charity Cottage & garden 0 0 12 Bond Trustees
185 Hudson, Sarah Rutlishes Charity Cottage & garden 0 0 12 Bond Trustees
186 Hudson, Sarah & others Hudson, Sarah 3 cottages 0 0 3 Bond Trustees
187 Linton, Charles Rutlishes Charities
188 & another Rutlishes Charities 2 cottages & garden 0 1 6 Bond Trustees
189 Reid, William Charles, John House & garden 0 0 36 Bond Trustees
190 Skilton, Charles & others Skilton, Charles Five cottages & gardens 0 1 17 Bond Trustees
191 Banks, Sarah & others Charles, John Bond Trustees
192 Banks, Sarah & others Charles, John Bond Trustees
193 Banks, Sarah & others Charles, John Bond Trustees
194 Banks, Sarah & others Charles, John 4 Cottages & gardens 0 1 26 Bond Trustees
195 Bonser, Thomas Neale, Mrs Jane House, gardens & buildings 0 2 20 Bond Trustees
196 Bonser, Thomas Neale, Mrs Jane Cottage, garden, buildings & yard 0 2 11 Bond Trustees
197 Bonser, Thomas Neale, Mrs Jane Rick Yard yard 0 1 0 £27 5 0 Bond Trustees
198 Bonser, Thomas Neale, Mrs Jane Home Meadow meadow 5 0 39 Bond Trustees
199 Bonser, Thomas Neale, Mrs Jane Seven Acres & Six Acres arable 14 2 28 Bond Trustees
200 Bonser, Thomas Neale, Mrs Jane Stack Yard Field meadow 4 2 21 Bond Trustees
201 several Skilton, Charles late Almshouses now Farm buildings & gardens 0 1 15 Bond Trustees
202 Skilton, Charles Skilton, Charles Part of Almshouse Close meadow 1 3 8 12 6 Bond Trustees
203 Cribb, Francis Sturdy, Daniel Part of Almshouse Close 3 0 0 £1 16 0 Bond Trustees
204 Wise, James Killick, James Bond Trustees
205 Wise, James Killick, James Tenement & garden 0 0 35 Bond Trustees
206 Taylor, Matthew & others Taylor, Matthew Tenement & garden 0 1 4 Bond Trustees
207 Gibson, William & others Oakman, James Three Tenements & gardens 0 0 12 Bond Trustees
208 Ashdown, William Acres, William Cottage & garden 0 0 17 Bond Trustees
209 Cribb, Francis Rolt, James Part of Crossway garden 2 3 16 £1 14 0 Bond Trustees
210 Ansell, Sophia Sturdy, Daniel House & garden 0 0 32 Bond Trustees
211 unoccupied Sturdy, Daniel House & garden 0 0 22 Bond Trustees
212 Wells, John Sturdy, Daniel House & garden 0 0 23 Bond Trustees
213 Parkinson, Elizabeth Jane Sturdy, Daniel House & garden 0 1 13 2 6 Bond Trustees
214 unoccupied Sturdy, Daniel House & garden 0 0 27 Bond Trustees
215 Denby, John Sturdy, Daniel House & garden 0 1 18 2 0 Bond Trustees
216 Rolt, Maurice Sturdy, Daniel House & garden 0 0 24 Bond Trustees
217 Winterflood, Charles Sturdy, Daniel House & garden 0 1 16 2 6 Bond Trustees
218 Redworth, Joseph Sturdy, Daniel House & garden 0 0 16 Bond Trustees
219 Barrett, William Sturdy, Daniel House & garden 0 0 16 Bond Trustees
220 sundry Sturdy, Daniel Roadway road 0 0 25 Bond Trustees
221 Arthur, James Smith, Charles Robert Mackerell Mordon Six Acres arable 6 2 8 Bond Trustees
222 Arthur, James Smith, Charles Robert Mackerell Sheep House & Middle Field arable 12 3 14 Bond Trustees
223 Arthur, James Smith, Charles Robert Mackerell Shooting Six Acres arable 5 3 27 Bond Trustees
224 Arthur, James Smith, Charles Robert Mackerell Mordon Four Acres arable 4 3 20 Bond Trustees
225 Arthur, James Smith, Charles Robert Mackerell Mordon Seven Acres arable 6 2 4 Bond Trustees
226 Arthur, James Smith, Charles Robert Mackerell Mordon Six Acres arable 6 2 0 Bond Trustees
227 Arthur, James Smith, Charles Robert Mackerell Boundary Meadow meadow 14 0 7 £31 3 0 Bond Trustees
228 Arthur, James Smith, Charles Robert Mackerell Eight Acres arable 8 2 27 Bond Trustees
229 Bowry, Edward Garth, Rev. Richard Gravel Pit Field meadow 16 1 17 Bond Trustees
230 White, Thomas Garth, Rev. Richard Lawn Meadow meadow 3 1 25 £1 5 0 Bond Trustees
231 White, Thomas Garth, Rev. Richard Lawn & Part of Mansion 0 3 18 Bond Trustees
232 Margison Garth, Rev. Richard Cow Meadow meadow 4 0 30 Bond Trustees
237 Margison Garth, Rev. Richard Calico Ground meadow 2 1 22 £2 8 6 Bond Trustees
41a South Western Railway Company South Western Railway Company Part of railway using land taken from Poors Wood 1 2 25
5 6 Bond Trustees
67a Bowen, Thomas Smith, Charles Robert Mackerell Church House, Garden and Yards 3 1 14 C R M Smith
MERTON 1845 – Post Office Directory of the Six Home Counties [with Tithe Numbers added]
Adams, William, esq.
Ansell, Mrs
Ashby, Henry Pollard, esq.
Barrett, Samuel, esq.
Bennett, John, esq.
Bird, Mrs
Bond, Rev. Essex Henry
Briggs, Mrs.
Budge, Thomas, esq.
Campbell, William, esq.
Colebrooke, Major James
Doyle, John, esq.
Green, Joseph, esq.
Hailes, William, esq.
Heger, Capt. Thomas
Jenkinson, Miss
Lawrence, Sydney, esq.
Mandeville, James, esq.
Orme, George, esq.
Park, Alexander, esq.
Parkinson, Thomas, esq.
Rea, Robert, esq.
Reid, James, esq.
Rolt, James, esq.
Silva, Emanuel, esq.
Spofford, James, esq.
Thornton, Richard, esq.
Wells, John, esq.
Winterflood, Charles, esq.
Agate, William
Anderson, Misses Maria,
Charlotte & Mary Ann
Ayres, Richard
Bass, James
Bentley, Isaac
Bowry, Edward
Bowyer, James
Bristow, James
Brown, James
Brown, Joseph
Brown, Mrs. Mary
Chapman, Charles
Child, John & Edward
Clowser, George
Cogger, Thomas
Comber, John
Corke, William
Currell, James
Denby, John
Enefer, Charles
Evance, James
Frankcome, Richard
Gale, John
Galliers, Richard
Gibson, John & Co.
Gibson, William
Gisby, John
Merton cottage
Wandlebank house
79 &c.
Long lodge 60, 61
Holm Elms Wim+ 107
Merton Rush 59
Spring house 63
Dorset hall 179, &c.
Morden road 213
Rose cottage Wim.
Morden road 216,209
Victoria place
Cannon’s hill [sic]
embossers of cloth, Merton Pikle
bricklayer Wim.
grocery dealer 95?
farmer 156, &c.
[Morden Hall Farm]
grocer & ironmonger
chemist, &c.
master of the Nat. schl
mstrs. of the Nat. schl
Merton Mills Wim.
toy dealer
calico block cutter
beer retailer 215
grocery dealer
beer retailer
‘Red Lion’
cow keeper 66
silk printers
farrier 207
Gregory, Mrs. Isabella
Guile, James
Harris, George
Hassell, George
Hays, Joseph
Henden, William
Hex, William
Hildersley, Thomas
Hills, Henry
Hoath, Mrs. Mary
Hudson, Mrs. Susan
Johnson, Abigail
Johnson, William
Joynson, Samuel
Juster, Joseph
Lees, David
Littler, Mrs. Mary Ann
Mansell, William
Mason, Jasper
Mears, George
Merritt, George
Miller, Mrs. Sophia
Mills, Henry
Moody, Mrs. Mary Ann
Morris, Thomas
Norris, Daniel & Son
Nunn, Robert
Oakes, William Henry
Overton, John
Page, Mrs. Charlotte
Page, James
Parsons, Mrs. Eliza
Payn, Misses Ellen
& Mary Ann
Pincott, John
Powell, Thomas
Pugh, George
Redworth, Joseph
Reynolds, Edward
Robinson, Richard
Sayer, William
Shears, Daniel Towers
& James Henry
Shaw, Thomas
Skelton, Charles
Stamp, William
Tayler, Matthew
Tayler, Thomas
Thompson, Mrs. Rebecca
Toomes, Edward
Trimmer, Thomas
Walker, William
Watts, Mrs. Mary Ann
Way, Richard
Williams, Mrs. Mary Ann
Williams, William
Wilson, John Thomas
Wise, James
‘King’s Head’
beer retailer
beer retailer [Leather Bottle] 58
boot & shoe maker
grocery dealer
farmer [West Barnes Farm]
tea dealer
post office 185,186
grocery dealer
plumber, &c.
‘White Hart’ 183
grocery dealer
silk printer
smith & farrier
boot & shoe maker 184
grocery dealer
‘Six Bells’ & corn dealer
smith & farrier
beer retailer
farmer [Bakers Farm]
farmer 56,137 &c
[Merton Holts & Manor Farm]
calico block cutter
vestry clerk & collector 218
silk printer
grocer 75?
tailor & draper
copper works
baker 190
grocery dealer
cow keeper 206
silk dresser, Phipps Bridge
straw hat maker
beer retailer
‘Nelson’s Arms’
straw hat maker
coal dealer
grocer 204,205
Extract from The Merton Tithe Apportionment
Map showing the main area of residence in 1844
enlarged and enhanced from a copy in Merton Local Studies Centre,
courtesy of Merton Libraries and Heritage Services
Extract from The Merton Tithe Apportionment
Map showing the main area of residence in 1844
enlarged and enhanced from a copy in Merton Local Studies Centre,
courtesy of Merton Libraries and Heritage Services
The Merton Tithe Apportionment Map of 1844
reduced and enhanced from a copy in Merton Local Studies Centre,
courtesy of Merton Libraries and Heritage Services
The Merton Tithe Apportionment Map of 1844
reduced and enhanced from a copy in Merton Local Studies Centre,
courtesy of Merton Libraries and Heritage Services