
Membership currently costs £12 a year (£5 for full-time students). In addition to a warm welcome at our regular events and Workshops, members receive printed copies of the Society’s quarterly Bulletin, its monthly e-newsletter Merton Mail and are entitled to 20% discount on the Society’s publications.

Membership fees can be paid by bank transfer. Send your application form to:

The Membership Secretary:

27 Burley Close, LONDON SW16 4QQ, England

or put the same information into an email and send to:

and we will send you our bank details.

We also accept payment by cheque payable to Merton Historical Society and sent to the Membership Secretary, as above.

Click here to download our current membership form

MHS is a society member of British Association for Local History (BALH) which does what it says on the tin – it brings together local historians on a national scale.

As a ‘society’ member, MHS gets:

­quarterly magazines which are available for members to borrow at our meetings

­email newsletters

­details of events organised by BALH – held in person, on line or on a hybrid basis. These events are found on the BALH website and in emails to members. The events are free to individual members of BALH, but members of a ‘society’ member get discounts on some of the events. You need a password to access this discount.

If you are interested in receiving copies of the email newsletters and/or details of events and our society password, please email the secretary on